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The dangers of alcohol consumption are well-known, but which is more harmful: drinking every day in small quantities or not drinking regularly but getting drunk every time you do?

Drinking alcohol can be harmful, whether it's a daily habit or an occasional binge drinking session. Both situations can lead to serious health issues and alcohol poisoning.

For those who don't drink regularly but get drunk every time they do, the extent of the harm and its severity depend on several factors such as the weight of the individual, the type of alcohol consumed, the body's tolerance to alcohol, and the blood alcohol concentration. A single episode of heavy drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can range from mild to severe symptoms. Initial signs may include euphoria, increased talkativeness, headache, irritability, and an increased risk of accidents while driving. As the alcohol continues to be consumed, the individual may experience ataxia (walking unsteadily), double vision, nausea, slurred speech, and may eventually fall into a deep sleep or even coma. In severe cases, individuals may experience a drop in body temperature, dilated pupils, rapid heartbeat, decreased blood pressure, snoring, and even death due to vomit aspiration or respiratory and cardiac arrest.

Long-term heavy drinking can lead to chronic alcoholism and progressive damage to various systems and organs in the body, such as the cardiovascular, liver, and gastrointestinal systems. This can lead to conditions like alcoholic liver cirrhosis and even liver cancer, alcoholic brain disease, and other serious health complications.

The amount of harm caused by alcohol and its severity are directly related to the amount consumed and the duration of consumption.

Is there a science behind drinking occasions? Is it important to have proper etiquette while drinking?

Thank you for the invitation. I don't drink and am not familiar with the intricacies of drinking culture. However, I do believe that no matter the occasion, one should always prioritize their health and safety. We should never sacrifice our lives for any reason or purpose, including drinking.

We have heard too many tragic stories of people losing their lives due to excessive drinking. Even if money is paid as compensation by those who were present at the time of the incident, it cannot bring back the lost lives, causing immense grief to the families. It is truly not worth it.

It is advisable to drink in moderation and based on one's limit. One should never be pressured to drink or forced to drink excessively. It is also important to remember that spending time with family should be a priority. Spending every night away from home, eating and drinking outside, is not a traditional practice in our country. We should cherish our time with our loved ones and prioritize their happiness and well-being.