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Introducing the Customs and Culture of China

Chinese Traditional Arts

The rich tapestry of Chinese traditional arts spans across various visual, performance, and artistic domains. A prime example is the magnificent Tang Dynasty tricolor Chinese glazed horse, dating back to approximately 700 CE. Chinese art encompasses not only fine art but also folk art and performance art, all of which have been influenced by great philosophers, teachers, religious figures, and even political leaders.

Porcelain pottery, one of the earliest art forms, dates back to the Palaeolithic period. Early Chinese music and poetry were influenced by the Book of Songs and the illustrious poet and statesman Qu Yuan. Chinese painting, especially the Ming Dynasty painting, enjoys immense appreciation in court circles and encompasses various styles of Shan shui. Musical traditions began with percussion instruments, evolving later to include stringed and reed instruments. The invention of paper led to the emergence of papercutting as a new art form during the Han Dynasty. Chinese opera, along with other performance formats like variety arts, flourished and diversified regionally.

Chinese Literature

The genesis of Chinese literature lies in record keeping and divination on Oracle Bones. The vast collection of books preserved since the Zhou Dynasty showcases the profound intellectual prowess of that era. The Zhou Dynasty is often regarded as the cornerstone of Chinese cultural development. The Five Cardinal Points serve as the foundation for most major studies, encompassing a wide range of subjects such as poetry, astrology, astronomy, calendar, constellations, and many more.

Prominent early texts include the I Ching and Shujing, part of the revered Four Books and Five Classics. Chinese concepts like Yin and Yang, Qi, and the Four Pillars of Destiny, which relate to the harmony between heaven and earth, were all formulated during the dynastic periods. The Song Dynasty marked a significant period in the advancement of science, philosophy, and literature. The scholarly class thrived during this era, contributing immensely to the cultural and intellectual landscape of China.