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Red wine, when stored in a wellmaintained wine cellar with proper conditions, can undergo microbial fermentation that helps enhance its flavor. Under normal storage conditions, red wine can have a shelf life of around 10 years, with factors like packaging, seal, and indoor temperature all affecting its final taste.

How Long Does Opened Red Wine Last?

The quality of the wine and the storage method after opening greatly influence how long it can be enjoyed. Higherquality wines can last for several days when properly stored in a refrigerator. Some methods like injecting inert gas or using vacuum pumps can extend the life of opened red wine.

How to Make a Red Wine Glass on Douyin

Making a red wine glass on Douyin is a simple process that requires only a red wine, a candle, and a wine glass. Here's how you do it:

Pour the red wine into the glass, filling it about threequarters full.

Light the candle and gently heat the rim of the wine glass with the flame.

Rotate the glass while maintaining contact with the flame to evenly heat the rim.

Once the rim is sufficiently heated, remove it from the flame and let it cool.

After the glass has cooled, pour in more red wine, and your red wine glass is ready to be enjoyed.

Is the Red Wine on Douyin Authentic?

Determining the authenticity of red wine sold on Douyin can be challenging. Prices, packaging, and product descriptions can all be misleading. However, looking for reviews, ratings, and feedback from other buyers can help in making a decision. Additionally, checking the seller's credibility and reviews can provide a better understanding of whether the product is genuine or not.

Is it Cheaper to Buy Wine on Douyin?

Why are wines sold on Douyin often cheaper? This is often due to various factors like lower overheads, bulk purchases, and marketing strategies. However, it's essential to note that cheap wines don't always mean low quality. With proper research and understanding of the market, you can find affordable yet highquality wines on Douyin.

Who is the Top Seller of Wine on Douyin?

A popular and wellknown figure in the wine industry, "Niurou Ge" (Beef Sir), has become one of the top sellers on Douyin with sales volumes exceeding that of even popular influencers like Li Jiaqi. During the 6·18 sales event, he sold over 100 million bottles of wine, 100,000 cases of beer, and 200,000 slices of beef steak.

How to Sell Wine on Douyin?

Selling wine on Douyin involves several steps:

Register as a seller on Douyin's open platform and provide necessary documents and licenses.

Identify your target audience and select suitable products with available inventories. Prepare images and videos to showcase your products.

Develop an interactive marketing plan tailored to your target audience, including participating in Douyin challenges and other activities.

Utilize Douyin's social features to engage with your community and increase your exposure.

Live stream or post videos showing your products and engaging with your followers to promote sales.

Remember that selling on Douyin requires adherence to its rules and regulations to ensure a smooth and successful experience for both buyers and sellers.