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Recycling 50-year-old Moutai bottles (Recycling 50-year-old Moutai bottles)

Recycling 50-year-old Moutai bottles

A 35-year-old bottle of Moutai is now around 3000-6000 yuan. The 35th-anniversary commemorative wine is priced at 598 yuan.

Price refers to the value of a unit of goods or services, which is determined by the market supply and demand. In other words, the price is the unit value (unit price). Price is the form of transformation of the exchange value of goods in the circulation process. In the process of economics and business, price is a value figure set for goods, services, and assets in the form of currency.

Recycling 50-year-old Moutai bottles

Moutai distillery does not recycle bottles, as they are used for making counterfeit liquor, which is illegal.

How much money can be obtained from recycling 50-year-old Moutai bottles

The price of empty Moutai bottles has dropped from 50 yuan to 5 yuan. Yesterday, reporters visited a total of 15 tobacco and liquor stores near Ti Yu Xi Road, Wuyang New City, and Tan Village, among which 14 said they had stopped purchasing empty bottles since last year. The owner of a tobacco and liquor store on Guanghe Road told reporters, "Now Moutai bottles are not worth much more than beer bottles, and with strict inspections of counterfeit liquor, there's no point in collecting them." Another tobacco and liquor store owner nearby even described the collection of empty Moutai bottles as "collecting scrap." The only store willing to collect empty Moutai bottles is located in Wuyang New City. When the reporter pretended to be a customer and asked about the price, the owner explained that the current price for recycling an empty 53% alcohol Feitian Moutai bottle is 5 yuan, "and it must be properly packaged, with the bottle cap and the paper box intact. If there are more than a dozen bottles, then each bottle will be given 7 yuan, and the entire 15-year Moutai gift set will be a maximum of 50 yuan." It is understood that in the past, the minimum price for recycling an empty regular Moutai bottle was over 50 yuan, and the 15-year Moutai set was over 250 yuan. "I'm doing you a favor by taking them!" In response to the reporter's question, "Why are the prices so low now?" the store owner was somewhat impatient, saying, "Prices are the same everywhere, don't believe me, go ask for yourself. There are hardly any people who want them now."

In addition to empty Moutai bottles, the recycling price of Moutai itself has also been declining. The 53% alcohol Feitian Moutai is currently priced at 1159 yuan on the official website, while the same product two years ago was priced at over 2300 yuan. The investigation found that the recycling price of this Moutai was once as high as 1400 yuan, but is now generally between 700 and 750 yuan, at least 300 yuan lower than last year.

Recycling 50-year-old Moutai empty bottles

Moutai bottles: 80-year-old Moutai bottles, 30-year-old Moutai bottles, 50-year-old Moutai bottles, 15-year-old Moutai bottles, and foreign liquor bottles such as Louis XIII and Richard Hennessy, as well as Lafite wine bottles from 2008 to 201

Recycling 30-year-old Moutai bottles

There are people who specialize in collecting Moutai bottles and packaging boxes, but these people are lacking in integrity, as they collect these bottles and packaging for the purpose of making counterfeit products. In pursuit of small profits, you become an accomplice, and perhaps the counterfeit products end up back on your dining table.

Recycling 50-year-old Moutai empty bottles

Moutai company itself does not recycle Moutai bottles. The main situations in which bottles are collected include:

Exchange for purchase.

In order to increase the rate of opening Moutai bottles and implement the spirit of "drinking without speculation," some Moutai direct stores have exchange activities, where you can exchange Moutai wine at a ratio of 1:1 by presenting the previous purchase's outbound list, empty bottles, invoice, etc. The bottles of Moutai can still be stored and have a certain resale value, which is not conducive to truly improving the opening rate.

Counterfeiting and selling counterfeit products.

The majority of those who purchase empty bottles and long-term recycled old bottles and paper boxes are mostly involved in counterfeiting and selling counterfeit products!

Special purposes.

Some wine enthusiasts like to collect and mix their own wine, and they specifically buy some irregularly shaped Moutai empty bottles to store their wine.

As a qualified Moutai fan, do not be greedy for small gains, and destroy the empty bottles after drinking the wine!

How much money can be obtained from recycling 50-year-old Moutai bottles

The 75-year-old Moutai bottle should also be very valuable, and it is estimated that it can be purchased for at least 1,000 to 2,000 yuan.

Recycling 20-year-old Moutai bottles

In Anhui, Fuyang residents are most involved in recycling Moutai and other liquor gifts, especially in Beijing. They have a significant pricing power for old liquor and the price of recycled liquor. Currently, the retail price of the new Feitian is around 1800 yuan. However, the recycling price does not exceed 1000 yuan because it is a new product.