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What is the English word for red wine?

What is the English word for red wine?

Chateau La Caussade Medoc is a dry red wine produced by Chateau La Caussade winery in the Medoc region of Bordeaux, France.

About the English term for red wine

Typically, the labels on French red wine bottles are in French. The main label of red wine generally includes basic information such as the name of the winery, the product name, classification, vintage, producer information, net content, and alcohol content.

Regarding the back label, wineries can write according to their preferences, such as a brief introduction of the winery, a wine review, or the winemaker's remarks.

Red Wine in English

酒 (alcohol) 酒精, 酒 diddle 酒 drink 饮料, 酒 tiff 酒 tipple 烈酒 spirit 烈酒 beer 啤酒 wine 葡萄酒 vino 酒 water of life 生命之水, 酒 wet goods 酒

What does red wine mean in English?

red wine 英[red wain] 美[r?d wa?n] [Dictionary] 红酒; [Example] I went out for a meal last night and drank copious amounts of red wine. 我昨晚出去吃饭,喝了很多红酒。

How do you say "酒红" in English?

on winter holiday means:



On Winter Holiday, take best use of and enjoy these days.


in winter holiday means:



Where did you go in winter holiday?


About various types of red wine and their English descriptions

Wine is divided into red wine, white wine, and rose wine. Other categories include: Sparkling wine: Sparkling Liquor: Liquor (Liqueur) Dry red wine: Dry red wine Dry white wine: Dry white wine Sweet wine: Sweet wine Semi-sweet wine: Semi-sweet wine In China, the most well-known wine is French wine. The most common regions in France are Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, Alsace, Beaujolais, and the Rhone Valley. Common grape varieties used for winemaking include Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Shiraz, Sauvignon Blanc, and Riesling.

How to pronounce the English word for red wine

Pronunciation: English [ɡre?p], American [ɡre?p]

I. Definition n. grape; wine

II. Example Sentence It tasted like grape juice but not as sweet. 这尝起来像葡萄汁,却不及葡萄汁甜。

III. Related phrases grape cell, grape pickers, grape juice, grape harvest, grape crusher

What does the English on red wine mean?

It actually represents that the wine is produced in the Bordeaux region of France, with the "B" representing the initial letter of Bordeaux in English. However, this is not a necessary symbol for Bordeaux red wine. Some Bordeaux red wines do not have the "B" label on the cap, only indicating the name of the wine. Bordeaux is a city in southwestern France, benefiting from its temperate maritime climate, it has produced many world-famous wines, and is therefore known as the center of the world's wines and a famous wine region.

How do you say red wine in English?

alcohol refers to alcohol in general.

Because there are many types of alcohol, beer can be referred to as beer, red wine as wine, and liqueur as liqueur. Alcohol English [??lk?h?l] American [??lk?h??l] n. 乙醇,酒精; 含酒精的饮料; [Example] Do either of you smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol? 你们俩有人吸烟或喝酒吗? wine English [wa?n] American [wa?n] n. 葡萄酒; 果酒; 紫红色,深红色; vt. 请…喝酒; vi. 喝酒; [Example] This is a nice wine. 这种葡萄酒味道不错。 beer English [b??r] American [b?r] n. 啤酒,麦酒; (一般) 发酵饮料; [Example] He sat in the kitchen drinking beer. 他坐在厨房里喝啤酒。 liqueur English [l??kj??r] American [l??kj?r] n. 烈性酒,白酒; 利口酒(餐后甜酒); [Example] I like to macerate the food in liqueur for a few minutes before serving. 我喜欢先把这种食物在利口酒里浸泡几分钟再端上桌。

The English word on red wine

The English word for red wine is "red wine."

Bilingual Sentences


Red wine gives me a headache.


A glass of red wine keeps you in the pink.


He boils down red wine and uses what's left.


Red wines should be allowed to 'breathe' if possible before drinking.